My Fundraising Page

Jul 10, 2013

Hello there. Welcome to my Team in Training (TNT) Fundraising Page. Thanks for stopping by!

Last year, I signed up with Team in Training to run my first ever half marathon, the Nike Women's Half Marathon, here in San Francisco. I signed up to help others, but also to help myself. I had a goal to run a half marathon for quite some time, so I decided to sign up with TNT to help me get there. I went from running 0 miles at a time to 13.1, and have since run 4 other half marathons and countless other races. This year I am at it again, but instead of 13.1 miles, I have committed to running the full course of the Nike Women's Marathon, 26.2 miles, to raise more funding for such a great organization.

Last year, I signed up with TNT for me.

This year, I signed up for my Dad.

Recently, my dad was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). CLL is a chronic leukemia with which patients can live for many years without showing any symptoms, so while its identifiable in routine blood tests, most people aren't affected by it right away.

Luckily for my dad, he is not currently showing symptoms, and continues to lead a normal, healthy life. But for others this is not the case.

I have a mission-to help find cures and more effective treatments for blood cancers. To accomplish that mission, I signed up once again to run the Nike Women's Marathon as a member of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training.

Like the other members of TNT, I will be raising funds to help find cures and better treatments for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and of course for CLL, so if my dad does start showing symptons, maybe with help from the money I've raised, there will be a cure.

Please make a donation in support of my efforts with Team In Training and help advance the research for cures. It would me the world to me.

Make a Donation

We are no longer accepting donations for this event, however you can still make a donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Supporter Comments

"Jane I'm so happy you decided to go the distance: a Marathon!! Whoa! I'm sure you will have an awesome TNT season! You are amazing! I love how you didn't hesitate to sign up!! please join the Tri team next season!!! It will be blast!! Look forward to running, hiking, wine tasting, and hanging out with you! Go Jane!! "
Mariana Sierrra
Mon May 27 02:41:23 EDT 2013
"Jane... I'm so proud of how you for always stepping up and getting involved.... You truly inspire me! Run Jane Run xoxo Mom"
Carol Franklin
Fri May 31 02:50:26 EDT 2013
"Every great finish starts with one step at a time."
Robert Chan
Wed Jul 10 03:40:12 EDT 2013
"I love you and therefore love your dad! Kick that marathon AND cancer's butt! XOXO"
Melissa Woodson
Thu Jul 11 09:02:24 EDT 2013
"We are destined to die as soon as we are born, but while we are alive, we are all on a special journey to live life to the fullest; healthy,happy and together."
Anonymous user
Thu Jul 11 11:13:44 EDT 2013
"Good luck!"
Daniel Veroff
Thu Jul 11 01:14:29 EDT 2013
"I'm so proud of my little sis!! "
Katie Guenther
Thu Jul 11 01:50:10 EDT 2013
"Here is 1% of your goal. "
Lea Wright
Thu Jul 11 02:37:17 EDT 2013
"Good luck, Jane!"
Sam Crandall
Thu Jul 11 02:46:23 EDT 2013
"Good luck with your mission, Jane"
Jalendhar Vaddeman
Thu Jul 11 04:30:48 EDT 2013
"Sending positive vibes to your dad and your family. Good luck on the marathon!!!"
Thu Jul 11 06:08:11 EDT 2013
"Best of luck Jane! Just don't wear Lulu Lemon during the race... those jerks..."
Elton Mok
Thu Jul 11 06:22:23 EDT 2013
"You Rock Jane!"
Magaly Perez
Fri Jul 12 04:19:05 EDT 2013
"So proud you and your running! Such an inspiration! Keeping your dad in my thoughts and prayers. "
Maria Falls
Sat Jul 13 02:22:22 EDT 2013
"So proud of you! Good luck with training :)"
Erika Bickford
Mon Jul 15 12:51:24 EDT 2013
"Jane, when I first saw that you were signed up again to run for the L&LS I was impressed with your continued commitment to support this great organization and your decision to "go the distance." And then I saw that your dad was diagnosed with CLL. That was heartbreaking news to me. As you know, I just lost Andy to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in May, and I am making a small donation in his memory to support your efforts and to help ensure that your dad and others diagnosed with leukemia and other blood cancers can live long, healthy lives. Best of luck to your dad in his fight against CLL and to you with your marathon. Congratulations on again joining the team! Love, Karen Barchas"
Karen Barchas
Tue Jul 16 09:26:57 EDT 2013
"Have fun at the marathon, and best of luck to you and your dad!!"
Alexander Amaya
Tue Jul 23 05:04:09 EDT 2013
"Good luck, Jane!!"
Amy Ternan
Tue Jul 23 05:15:06 EDT 2013
"Jane-you are my inspiration to keep running and giving! Stay strong, healthy and persevere. And, I am sending good thoughts to your Dad. Love, Vicki"
victoria watts
Fri Jul 26 01:04:51 EDT 2013
"Jane! You are such a superstar! I am so proud of you for running for such a great cause. Good luck with training and I know you will do great!! XOXO"
Kimber Sanchez
Sun Aug 4 10:36:27 EDT 2013
"Good luck!"
Simone Elberti
Wed Aug 14 11:15:17 EDT 2013
"Good Luck Jane! I'm so proud!"
Madeleine Cereghino
Thu Oct 17 08:09:36 EDT 2013
"Get in loser, we're running a marathon... <3"
Thu Oct 17 12:27:57 EDT 2013
"Go, Jane, Go!"
Molly Morgan Donnelly
Fri Oct 18 09:59:46 EDT 2013
"Love and luck to you , proud of you and lots of love to your dad, one of my favorite cousins!!"
Nancy Morgan
Fri Oct 18 10:37:23 EDT 2013
"Good luck and have fun!"
John Joven
Sat Oct 19 12:21:46 EDT 2013
"Have a great race tomorrow ... impressed that you're running the full!! So happy that your dad is out there to cheer you on .. wish I could have been there too!! "
Sat Oct 19 09:08:40 EDT 2013
"Cadan says the following: "gbjl" I think that means "o love you""
Sat Oct 19 10:04:30 EDT 2013
"You're doing a terrific service for yourself, your father/my brother and for many others. All the best;success will follow you whatever you do. Bruce Franklin "
Bruce Franklin
Tue Oct 22 04:56:35 EDT 2013
""Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." "
Heather Franklin Traphagen
Sat Oct 26 06:55:39 EDT 2013

My Fundraising Total

102 %

Make a Donation

We are no longer accepting donations for this event, however you can still make a donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

My Thanks To

Tom Yamashita $250.00
Michael Kelly $250.00
Heather Franklin Tra... $100.00
Bruce Franklin $100.00
Aunt Fran $100.00
Michelle $100.00
Kimber Sanchez $100.00
Dad $100.00
Katie Guenther $100.00
Melissa Woodson $100.00
Carol Franklin $100.00
Jane Franklin $50.00
Cadan $50.00
John Joven $50.00
Nancy Morgan $50.00
victoria watts $50.00
Justin Bieber $50.00
Kevin Ernst $50.00
Mariana Sierrra $50.00
Jane P Franklin $50.00
Katie Joyce $25.00
Molly Morgan Donnell... $25.00
Heather Phillips $25.00
Simone Elberti $25.00
Amy Ternan $25.00
Alexander Amaya $25.00
Simon Lee $25.00
CB Hall $25.00
Karen Barchas $25.00
Maria Falls $25.00
Elton Mok $25.00
Owen $25.00
Jalendhar Vaddeman $25.00
Amy Hwa $25.00
Sam Crandall $25.00
Krista Key $25.00
Robert Chan $25.00
Raquel McLeod $20.00
Erika Bickford $20.00
Sheldonkey $15.00
Magaly Perez $10.00
Lea Wright $10.00
Jane Franklin
joseph ignacio
Madeleine Cereghino
Daniel Veroff
Jane Franklin

Supporter Comments

"Jane I'm so happy you decided to go the distance: a Marathon!! Whoa! I'm sure you will have an awesome TNT season! You are amazing! I love how you didn't hesitate to sign up!! please join the Tri team next season!!! It will be blast!! Look forward to running, hiking, wine tasting, and hanging out with you! Go Jane!! "
Mariana Sierrra
Mon May 27 02:41:23 EDT 2013
"Jane... I'm so proud of how you for always stepping up and getting involved.... You truly inspire me! Run Jane Run xoxo Mom"
Carol Franklin
Fri May 31 02:50:26 EDT 2013
"Every great finish starts with one step at a time."
Robert Chan
Wed Jul 10 03:40:12 EDT 2013
"I love you and therefore love your dad! Kick that marathon AND cancer's butt! XOXO"
Melissa Woodson
Thu Jul 11 09:02:24 EDT 2013
"We are destined to die as soon as we are born, but while we are alive, we are all on a special journey to live life to the fullest; healthy,happy and together."
Anonymous user
Thu Jul 11 11:13:44 EDT 2013
"Good luck!"
Daniel Veroff
Thu Jul 11 01:14:29 EDT 2013
"I'm so proud of my little sis!! "
Katie Guenther
Thu Jul 11 01:50:10 EDT 2013
"Here is 1% of your goal. "
Lea Wright
Thu Jul 11 02:37:17 EDT 2013
"Good luck, Jane!"
Sam Crandall
Thu Jul 11 02:46:23 EDT 2013
"Good luck with your mission, Jane"
Jalendhar Vaddeman
Thu Jul 11 04:30:48 EDT 2013
"Sending positive vibes to your dad and your family. Good luck on the marathon!!!"
Thu Jul 11 06:08:11 EDT 2013
"Best of luck Jane! Just don't wear Lulu Lemon during the race... those jerks..."
Elton Mok
Thu Jul 11 06:22:23 EDT 2013
"You Rock Jane!"
Magaly Perez
Fri Jul 12 04:19:05 EDT 2013
"So proud you and your running! Such an inspiration! Keeping your dad in my thoughts and prayers. "
Maria Falls
Sat Jul 13 02:22:22 EDT 2013
"So proud of you! Good luck with training :)"
Erika Bickford
Mon Jul 15 12:51:24 EDT 2013
"Jane, when I first saw that you were signed up again to run for the L&LS I was impressed with your continued commitment to support this great organization and your decision to "go the distance." And then I saw that your dad was diagnosed with CLL. That was heartbreaking news to me. As you know, I just lost Andy to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in May, and I am making a small donation in his memory to support your efforts and to help ensure that your dad and others diagnosed with leukemia and other blood cancers can live long, healthy lives. Best of luck to your dad in his fight against CLL and to you with your marathon. Congratulations on again joining the team! Love, Karen Barchas"
Karen Barchas
Tue Jul 16 09:26:57 EDT 2013
"Have fun at the marathon, and best of luck to you and your dad!!"
Alexander Amaya
Tue Jul 23 05:04:09 EDT 2013
"Good luck, Jane!!"
Amy Ternan
Tue Jul 23 05:15:06 EDT 2013
"Jane-you are my inspiration to keep running and giving! Stay strong, healthy and persevere. And, I am sending good thoughts to your Dad. Love, Vicki"
victoria watts
Fri Jul 26 01:04:51 EDT 2013
"Jane! You are such a superstar! I am so proud of you for running for such a great cause. Good luck with training and I know you will do great!! XOXO"
Kimber Sanchez
Sun Aug 4 10:36:27 EDT 2013
"Good luck!"
Simone Elberti
Wed Aug 14 11:15:17 EDT 2013
"Good Luck Jane! I'm so proud!"
Madeleine Cereghino
Thu Oct 17 08:09:36 EDT 2013
"Get in loser, we're running a marathon... <3"
Thu Oct 17 12:27:57 EDT 2013
"Go, Jane, Go!"
Molly Morgan Donnelly
Fri Oct 18 09:59:46 EDT 2013
"Love and luck to you , proud of you and lots of love to your dad, one of my favorite cousins!!"
Nancy Morgan
Fri Oct 18 10:37:23 EDT 2013
"Good luck and have fun!"
John Joven
Sat Oct 19 12:21:46 EDT 2013
"Have a great race tomorrow ... impressed that you're running the full!! So happy that your dad is out there to cheer you on .. wish I could have been there too!! "
Sat Oct 19 09:08:40 EDT 2013
"Cadan says the following: "gbjl" I think that means "o love you""
Sat Oct 19 10:04:30 EDT 2013
"You're doing a terrific service for yourself, your father/my brother and for many others. All the best;success will follow you whatever you do. Bruce Franklin "
Bruce Franklin
Tue Oct 22 04:56:35 EDT 2013
""Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." "
Heather Franklin Traphagen
Sat Oct 26 06:55:39 EDT 2013