BIB NUMBER 18836!!!!
This year marks Team in Training's (TNT) 25th anniversary and "[s]ince its inception in 1988, TNT has raised over $1.4 billion for blood cancer research and patient services." Read more about how TNT got started by a dad who's 2 year old little girl got diagnosed with Leukemia. (Trust me, it's totally worth the 2 minute read!!!!)
Today is the last day of fundraising for the Savannah Marathon and Half-Marathon... I can't believe how FAST time has flown by; I can honestly say that my fundraising commitment, together with my awesome TNT coaches and team mates, truly helped me remain steadfast in my training. I would recommend this program to ANYONE and EVERYONE who's ever wanted to train for an endurance event, but didn't know how or where to start. Well, I'm telling you now: start with TNT.
That said, our event is two weeks and one day away. Am I ready? Well, let’s just say that I wish I were “readier!” I did suffer from some rather nasty tendonitis after the 15K (9.3m) that left me out of my sneakers for the greater part of a month. HOWEVER, just last Wednesday night I ran 6.3 miles (after work!) and tomorrow we’re doing 8 miles, so I’m feeling confident that I will finish the half marathon by keeping a comfortable and steady pace. Besides, I hear that the music and the crowd make the experience a lot of fun – so either way, I’m very much looking forward to it.
SO: go ahead!!!! Take the plunge!!!! Make a donation today and/or consider joining TNT for your next endurance event!!!!
... and three more weeks of fundraising!!!
Time seems to have flown by and I haven't updated my page in a while.
A few things:
(1) I've reached my official fundraising goal but have increased my personal goal to $2900.00. As long as a cure for cancer hasn’t been found, fundraising will still be necessary!!!
(2) Fundraising deadline is in three weeks and I have $877.00 to go!!!!
(3) On Sunday, Sept. 15, I ran 15K (9.3 miles) together with a few other of my Team members at the Iron Horse race in Kennesaw, GA, my highest mileage to date.
(4) Ever since then I've been having left foot/ankle issues which have kept my training at bay, but I'm still determined and will be in Savannah on race day NO MATTER WHAT.
(5) Know the power of your money: a $20.00 donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will help pay for one round-trip per day for 5 days of treatment at a facility for an urban patient.
Here's a pic from the Iron Horse with my Team Mates:
Sara, Laura & Dana
Okay, for those of you who don't know, Bad Toro is actually a brand from Spain.
A few years ago, my dear friend Ana Teresa Ramos-Izquierdo went on a trip to Spain and brought me back some Bad Toro souveniers, including a Bad Toro t-shirt. The day that I met with Jennie Ellis from LLS to set up this fundraising page, I happened to be wearing my Bad Toro t-shirt; the connection was instant: I had to use the name for my page.
SO anyway, here is Bad Toro:
Last Saturday morning during our Group Training Session (GTS) we were supposed to run 6 miles... I was feeling quite trepidant about the whole venture because the most I'd completed during my training up until that point had been 4 miles, so surely I wasn't going to be able to do two more whole miles?!
The morning was an unusually chilly one for a Hotlanta August, which I'm sure helped the time and the miles go by faster and without knowing it we actually completed an extra mile for a total of seven miles. Sure, it took us a little over an hour and a half, but we did it! Congrats to my fellow team mates below!
Laura Foster, Mariana Campos, Laura I., Lauren Rock, & Monica McDermond Stokes.
Kenneth Kirschner | $150.00 |
Kathy | $100.00 |
Margarita Figueroa | $100.00 |
Jerry Gonzalez | $100.00 |
Carlos Toro | $100.00 |
marielena figueroa | $65.50 |
Team Fundraiser | $55.00 |
Monica Stokes | $50.00 |
Laura I Toro | $50.00 |
Elaine Payne | $40.00 |
Jerry & Gail Orr... | $30.00 |
Libby Brown | $25.00 |
DUDE | $25.00 |
Mila Davila | $25.00 |
Rocio Rivera | $25.00 |
Juan Pagan Melendez | $25.00 |
Ana Teresa Ramos-Izq... | $25.00 |
Lisa Lochbaum | $25.00 |
Luis Brau | $25.00 |
Ricardo Figueroa | $25.00 |
Marta Bucaram | $15.00 |
Margarita Toro | |
Carlos A. Toro | |
Jos? Javier Toro | |
Jaume | |
Iesa Figueroa | |
Laura Sarraga de Tor... | |
Monica Colom | |
Sandra Baez | |
Marta Toro | |
Fernando y Marta Vid... | |
Josie Toro | |
Los Cernuda del Vall... | |
Mariel Cruz | |
Eva Vela | |
Pedro Toro | |
Vivian Velasco | |
deborah m | |
Rene Couttolenc | |
Vivian Velez | |
Chris Perlera |
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For assistance, contact us by email, or call us at 888-LLS-7177
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) is a global leader in the fight against cancer. The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world, provides free information and support services, and is the voice for all blood cancer patients seeking access to quality, affordable, coordinated care. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all monetary donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws. Please check with your financial advisor if you have more questions.